Why Puffiness Happens?

Under-eye problems are often an inherited trait and, though they are accentuated by age, they are present in certain people from the beginning. Twelve year old, high fashion models and all night party goers are equally to be plagued by unattractive pouches and circles.

There are other causes beside your genes, however. For many of these causes- even the inherited ones- there are cures and remedies. And, luckily there are tricks of make-up that can cove over or lessen the impacts of unexpected and unwanted puffs and sags.

Why Puffiness Happens?Experts agree that worrisome puffiness you notice in the morning is caused by a temporary accumulation of fluid in the tissues under the facial skin. Particularly around the eyes, your skin is thin and rather loosely attached. When you sleep , the distribution of fluid is uninterrupted- partly because you're horizontal and no longer have gravity working with you to drain blood from your head and partly because your circulation may be impaired by pressure of pillow or mattress. (If you tend to wake up with swollen pouches that disappear as the day progresses, one immediate remedy is to prop your head up with second pillow you sleep to help fluids accumulating in the eyes tissues to drain downward.)

There are other reasons that fluids accumulate: Too much sleep, not enough sleep, a kidney problem, lack of exercise, a sinus problem, an increase of hormones during pregnancy, stress, faulty elimination, pollution, allergies, crying spells- any of these may cause or be a contributing factor to puffy eyes.


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