Keep Blemishes At Bay

Even the most beautiful skin will occasionally erupt and it often happens at a time when we had been hoping to look our best for special occasion. No matter how stunning the out fit or how well cut the hair, a blemish can spoil an evening out.
Keep Blemishes At Bay
When a blemish appears as a red spot, it's best not to pick at it because, quite apart from any damage this may cause to the skin, the redness will spread and look worse. Most brands of cosmetics carry a type of cover make-up that can be dabbed over the spot to hide the redness. However, make sure that you clean the area carefully twice each day with a cleanser suited to your skin just as you clean rest of your face.

If the blemish is a blackhead or two, you can try removing it very gently. The same applies to pimples that has formed a head.

To keep skin clear of blemishes choose a cleanser which deeply cleans your skin effectively.Give your skin a regular steam bath. Once each week hold your head over some gently boiling water for 10 minutes or so. This procedure unclogs pores and helps flush out impurities.

Inquire from a beauty therapist about any products which will remove the dead cells that cling to the surface of the skin. Ask, too, about the face masks for you particular skin type. In case of oily or open-pored a mask will absorb oils and extra impurities.

If you have quite a lot of trouble with pimples make sure you change you pillowcase often because pimples are infectious. Don't believe that by drying out the area - for example, by using harsh cleansers or abrasives - you will be treating any blemishes successfully. In fact, you will be damaging the top layer of your skin by drawing moisture from the cells, causing the skin to dry out and flake.

Recurrent pimple or blackhead problems should always be referred to a beauty therapist, who can give you expert advice on treatment. Self-diagnosis and treatment can lead to real damage that can't be reversed.


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