How Thin is Too Thin?

For those who areHow Thin is Too Thin? battling the problem of too much weight, the possibility of being too thin is probably difficult to imaging. But there are people who can never seem to gain weight, who see themselves as unattractively angular and fervently wish for curves to provide a well rounded appearance.

It is really true that you can never be too thin, provided- and this is an important qualification that you are healthy. A healthy body, even when it looks thin, is strong, well-toned, and resistant to disease. There are some cases, though, where thinness is associated with medical problems.

Psychological stress can lead to the misuse of food, as in the case of anorexics. Victims need to be retrained to eat so that they don't die of starvation that is self-imposed. Another eating disorder is bulimia nervosa, in which there is compulsive eating, then self-induced vomiting followed by a period of starvation. Both of these conditions require treatment aimed at uncovering the nature of underlying stress and correcting it.

Another possible cause for extreme thinness is an overactive thyroid with under active adrenal glands. The symptoms are in tolerance of the body for heat, increased sweating and a rapid heartbeat. With even the most enormous appetite weight is still lost because all food eaten is burnt up very quickly.

All these conditions come under heading of "unhealthy underweight" and require medical treatment.

A very thin person is defined as one who is 10 to 20 percent below the average weight for someone of her height. Although tables that list ideal ranges of weight for particular heights provide a target to aim for, they are guide only. The test of whether or not you have achieved the ideal weight for yourself lies in how you are feeling. Falling slightly above or below the recommended ranges is fine if you feel alive, healthy, strong and full of vitality.

Stress tends to have a lot to do with underweight. A body that is in a state of stress is not easily tempted by food and, in the process, there is physical reaction. For food to be digested effectively, blood need to be directed to the digestive organs- the liver, the stomach and the intestines. When the body is in stress the blood supply is directed, instead , into the muscles, ready for the "fight or flight" response. This means that digestive juices and the enzymes that are necessary for the proper processing of food are not freely available, so that good deal of food will pass through system without benefiting the body. To overcome this problem, you need to reduce the stress in your life and make conscious effort to approach the choice and preparation of food, as well as meal times, in a calm state of mind.

Eat slowly and quietly and chew thoroughly. Appreciate every bite you take and you'll find that you will be eating just the right amount for your body needs. Couple exercise with real enjoyment of your food and you'll find you are feeling terrific and that your body is posotively shapely.


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