Cover Up Puffy Eyes

Cover Up Puffy Eyes

There are times when nothing you do will make the puffiness disappear. For these circumstances you need to develop some make-up skills. Use a covering cream or stick or gel that decreases depressions by attracting light. Apply a darker shade of foundation on the puffy spot, then highlight the circle underneath, to create an overall illusion of flatness.

Be aware of using too much white highlighter, unless you want to play up panda bear look. And avoid putting any light shade on the puffy area itself, because that will only accentuate it. Confine the light shade to any dark hollows, if you have them, and then puff. Or use off-white shadow from the crease of the eyelids to the brows. Use lots of mascara, but only on upper lashes.

If you have the time and are feeling particularly daring, you might try the following trick used by models to tighten up saggy under-eye tissue. Rub a very thin coating of unbeaten egg white into the area with finger tip. Apply make-up foundation very carefully over it. Pat the make-up instead of rubbing it in. The lined area directly under the eyes is smoothed for a few hours by the drying effect of the egg white.

The secret of this procedure is in the thinness of the egg white application. After removing egg white Be sure to use an oil or lanolin cream, to counteract drying effect of the egg white.

Don't ever lose sleep over puffy eyes. Like many temporary problems, they'll only become worse if you do.


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