Sun Essentials

Sunscreen Lotion is a foSun Essentialsremost product you should be using while going out in the sun because it creates a layer on your skin that will save you from harmful rays of sun and prevents it from getting sun burnt reducing the collagen generation thus making you sun safe and beautiful.

Sunglasses are a must to protect your eyes from the glare and to prevent you from squinting and frowning. They are absolutely essential when you are snow skiing because the intense intense reflection from the snow can harm your eyes.

Be sure that you can't see your eyes when looking at the glasses of mirror. If you can , they're not dark enough to provide adequate protection.

Polarizing lenses are probably the best if you're involved in any water sports, skiing or when driving a car to cut out the glare.

Hats provide additional protection and can act as an attractive summer accessory that protects face and hair.

Use warm summer days to introduce yourself to a healthier diet. Make the most of the fruits such as mangoes, paw paws, pineapples, honey dew melons and peaches and drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices as well as mineral; water in low sodium content.

Whenever you're outdoors drink lots of water to replace what you are rapidly losing. If you feel lethargic, have a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice rich in potassium, vitamin C and other vital nutrients.Before or at the end of summer you can help to even pout your skin tone with the help of facial scrub. These can work wonders on dry elbows or mottled shoulders. Despite its drawbacks, the infra-red rays of the sun often help relieve arthritic and rheumatic pains. So if you can use it to your advantage.


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