Get A Long Lasting Tan

Get A Long Lasting Tan

For a long lasting tan if possible, slowly introduce your skin to the sun, starting with 15 minutes exposure and gradually building it up each day. As this isn't always possible if you're going to, say, Bali for a week in middle of winter, the only thing you can do is to diligently apply a maximum protection cream regularly throughout the day.

If you try to rush your tan all you'll do is dry and peel your skin. The best time to tan is before 10 am and after 2 pm or before 11 am and after 3 pm daylight saving time. In the middle of the day the sun's rays are more direct and intense so you'll be more prone to sunburn and dehydrate your skin. Above all know your limitations. Don't expect your skin to tan the same color as your friend who has darker complexion, because it won't.

No matter what your skin type, be diligent with your after-sun care as well. Apply a moisturiser from top to toe after you bath or shower. Adding some oil to your bath water will also help. If you do get burnt take advantage of soothing cream. Moisturisers containing Vitamin E, primrose oil or jojoba will help soothe and repair sun-damaged skin.

In the process of tanning your skin there are some Sun Bathing Myths you need to make clear.

You're safe in shade. The truth is you are only semi-protected. Sunlight bounces off sand, concrete, water or light surfaces reflecting up to half of rays.
If you're already burnt a t-shirt will provide good protection. While a dry T-shirt will provide adequate protection, one that's wet will absorb some of the UV rays and further damage your skin. Repeated sunburn will toughen your skin. Wrong! If you have a very fair skin that burns repeatedly and doesn't tan then you are one of the many people who will never develop a tan. Try an indoor fake-tanning cream instead. Apply carefully and evenly, avoiding those thick skinned areas such as knees, elbows and knuckles. Alternatively, you could cultivate your creamy complexion and remind yourself how much younger you will look in a few years compared with your sun worshipping friends


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