Hair Pack To Gain Silky Hair

Harmful rays of sun, dust and sweat destroy the qualityHair Pack To Gain Silky Hair of your hair. When different problems occurs on your face it is solved by using various methods to cure them and same thing can be done with hair. For this applying hair pack plays an important role to make your hair look healthy and lively.


Shortage of natural oil leads towards dry hair. Split ends and breakage is major problem with dry hair and it can be taken care by using hairpack according to its requirement.

Cleanliness of dry hair:

Create a creamy mixture of milk and egg. Apply this mixture all over your hair and leave it on for 5 minutes. Then rinse it off with water. This makes your hair look shiny. Use this pack twice a week.

Nutrition of Dry Hair:

For this mix coconut oil and lavender oil in equal proportion. Heat this for few minutes and after it cools down apply it all over your hair especially on the roots. Wrap up ypur hair with a towel which has been soaked in warm water. After this shampoo and apply the conditioner that is suitable for dry hair. It will make your hair stronger and thicker. Do this thrice a week.


Exactly being the viceversa of dry hair it is caused due to excessive production of natural oil in hair. Oily hair absorbs dirts easily leaving dandruff on your hair. So this type of hair needs extra care.

Cleanliness of oily hair;

Combine egg and water to make a mixture. 1 tablespoon water is appropriate for 1 egg. Then wet your hair and apply this all over your hair. After massaging leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse it off with water. This will control hair fall and make your scalp dandruff free.

Nutrition for oily hair:

  • Massage your hair with almond oil one night before taking bath.

  • Massage your hair with mixture of luke warm coconut oil and lemon before 1 hour of taking bath.
    This will make your hair soft and control oil in your hair without making it dry.


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