Real Beauty

Real BeautyReal beauty is all over and all through, reaching far beyond classic features and elegant clothes. Real beauty comes from imagination, self discipline, common sense and proper pride.
Imagination inspires us to rise above everyday disappointment and live life fully; self discipline enables us to make most of our bodies and use them as well as possible; common sense ensures that we eat enjoyably and well but not stupidly; and proper pride means taking care of our face, skin, hair and nails- all outward features which reflects and express a state of mind.

Classic features are inherited. Elegant clothes can be bought. But real beauty is the reward of mental and physical effort. Here we suggest some ways in which you can work through achieving it.

  • Your facial skin is the most delicate on your body. Buy small jars or bottles of cosmetics, keep them tightly capped and away from heat and light, and use them up quickly, so they don't become colonies for harmful bacteria. In this way too, you'll find yourself constantly acquiring the latest colors and shades of makeup and avoiding that stale look.
  • Always carefully wash your face and hands before putting up makeup and if possible, use a cosmetic brush. Cosmetic brushes give a softer, more finished look and are gentle on your skin. A good brush whether for eye shadow, blusher or powder, will feel good on your hand and against your skin before you buy. These brushes should be sift and fuzzy. For eyeliner, lip and cream shadow, you'll need stiffer brushes which will hold a point when wet.
  • Brow brushes are bristled nylon; be sure the tips are rounded so no damage is done to hairs. A medium bristle is fine for most brows.
  • Keep cosmetic brushes clean with mild shampoo or liquid soap one a week, rinse carefully, comb through and store upright.
  • Take care of your hair, eyes, ears and teeth too.
  • Keep hair clean, well cut and brushed. It is the frame for your face.
  • Visit the dentist. Get previous neglect repaired and learn how to use a toothbrush and dental floss properly. Super straight, movie-star teeth aren't necessary for beauty but super-clean teeth in healthy mouth is absolute must.
  • Keep ears clean. Don't be content with quick wiggle with the corner of a towel when you wash your hair.
  • Wear glasses or contact lenses if you need them. Women look most unattractive when they screw their faces up and peer. Rinse tired or irritated eyes in a solution of 1 teaspoon salt to 600ml of warm water.
  • Shade your face from sun. Sunlight ages it quickly and causes skin cancers. Wear a hat and use a good block out cream, especially on your nose.


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