Eat Your Way To Beauty

Eat Your Way To Beauty
Touch your skin. Does it feel greasy, dry or even rough? Its texture reveals many facts about your diet. Your health, skin, nails and body are results of the food you consume. A balanced diet- one where you avoid processed foods, refined sugars, and concentrate on fruits, vegetables, cereals, meats and dairy products- is the key to good nutrition and beauty. A balanced diet supplies all vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates needed for good health. Let's face it- when you feel good, you look good. You become what you eat.

Your daily diet should consists of:
  • 4 serves of vegetables and fruits,
  • 3/4 serve of cereal, bread and grain,
  • 2 serves of milk and dairy products,
  • 2 serves of meat, fish, poultry, or eggs.
Vitamins play a vital role in all over beauty. Below is a list of all vitamins, there food source and their beauty advantages

Vitamin A:
Food Source: dairy products, citrus fruits, green vegetables and carrots.
Advantage: helps prevent skin dryness, aids healing of burns and improves acne.

Vitamin B,B1, B2, B6, B12:
Food Source: whole grains, leafy vegetables. liver and yeast.
Advantage: improves nervous system, skin, heart and liver.

Vitamin C:
Food Source: fruits(especially citrus fruit) green vegetables, tomatoes and fresh milk.
Advantage: helps immunity to colds, helps assimilation of other vitamins and improve acne.

Vitamin E:
Food Source: green leafy vegetables, wheat germ.
Advantage: helps heal cuts and wounds.

Vitamin F & K:
Food Source: liver , tomatoes, green leafy vegetables.
Advantage: aids the treatment of skin disorders, eg. dermatitis.

Vitamin H:
Food Source: brewer's yeast, nuts beef liver.
Advantage: improves tissue repair and skin condition.

Vitamin F:
Food Source: Citrus fruits usually with vitamin C.
Advantage: helps strengthen capillaries by keeping capillary walls flexible.


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