Banish Cellulite Forever

Banish Cellulite Forever

Cellulite must be the world's most controversial beauty problem. Depending on which expert you ask, this unsightly dimpled fat just under the skin is caused by stress lack of exercise, not enough fluid, poor circulation, hormone imbalance, constipation, or incorrect diet. Some doctors say it is just plain fat, Others maintain it is a mixture of fat and toxins wrapped in water.

But everybody especially the sufferers, agrees cellulite is ugly and plague even the slimmest women.The good news is that it can be shifted- but you must be patient and strict. There are several methods of attack. They are:
  • Right eating. Eat only wholesome foods- wholegrain breads and cereals, fresh fruits, raw vegetables, plus lean meats to build and repair tissues. Drink 6 glasses of water per day. Don;t eat preserved foods and avoid salt because if you use salt while drinking lots of fluids your body will retain the fluid instead of losing it.
  • Avoid constipation.Exercise regularly and eat laxatives like bran, prunes, yogurt and figs.
  • Saunas ans steam baths. As cellulite is thought by many to be pockets of water trapped between layer of fat, sweating is one possible way of removing it. Have one glass of water before entering sauna and follow it with a cool shower or swim.
  • Deep breathing. Increasing your oxygen intake removes tension. Sit on the floor with your back erect, legs bent and crossed at the ankles. Inhale to a count of four and exhale to a count of 12.
  • Massage. Speeding up blood flow in the tissues helps carry wastes away. You can massage with a special mitt with rubber bristles, a massage appliance or a rough loofah.Anti-cellulite massage should be done everyday. If you find the skin veins developing discontinue massage and concentrate on exercise.
  • Water friction. A warm water shower massage with flexible shower head will improve your circulation in cellulite. Direct the jet of warm water across you hips and derriere, moving it back and forth, then spray up and down your legs. Spray inner thighs and calves last.
  • Exercise. Dancing, yoga, gym, classes,tennis,walking and swimming can all help. add special exercises for your thighs.


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