Beauty Breathing

Vitality is one of the most important aspects of health and beauty but not everyone understands its chief source. Take a deep breath and you have the answer. Vitality comes from correct breathing.Deep breathing brings oxygen to your red blood corpuscles; without it they can't survive.

And it isn't all breathing in. Exhalation counts too. Exhalation burns carbon dioxide and eliminate impurities from the blood. The longer and deeper you exhale , the more pollution is removed from your lungs and the more energized your whole body becomes. (Watch your complexion improve.) Incidentally, deep sighs are often a sign of your body's need to exhale.

Noisy breathing is not necessarily good breathing. Well regulated respiration is silent; you should not hear yourself breathe. Always breathe through your nose - it warms and filters the air and allows normal aeration of the lungs. Breathing through the mouth is wrong.

Most people breathe very shallowly in the upper chest area jus below the throat, and take in insufficient amount of oxygen. Infants breathe correctly and so do sleeping persons; they use diaphragm. A good way to re-educate your diaphragm is to lie flat on your bed and breathe slowly and deeply in and out, letting the diaphragm function naturally. Your awareness of the way it works should then help you breathe correctly in an upright position.

In the morning, wake up your muscles by raising your arms straight above your head and trying to pull your whole body upwards so as to stretch your spinal column. Then, standing in front of an open window, back erect practice these three steps of the "yoga cleansing breath".
  1. Inhale a complete breath slowly through your nose.
  2. Retain the air a few seconds.
  3. Pucker up your lips, as if for a whistle, and exhale small amount of air vigorously through the opening. Pause a moment, then continue to exhale a little more air. Repeat until the air is completely exhaled. If you feel dizzy at first, it's because the blood stream is unaccustomed to handling the oxygen.
Deep breathing is a kind of de luxe tranquilliser. It frees tensions and leaves you relaxed so that you can get a good night's sleep. Another surprise is that oxygenated blood cells seem to encourage optimism while lack of oxygen brings depression.

Also, bad air is something to avoid- watch out for the stale, dry air so often found in air-conditioned homes and offices

A Firmer Fitter You

A Firmer Fitter You

Do you have flabby thighs or a saggy bosom or maybe a dimply bottom? Then it's time you began working towards being firmer and fitter. If you jotted down all the reasons why you should take more exercise the list would be longer than your arm. Here are some:
  • To promote body fitness,muscle tone, stamina, and suppleness.
  • To ward off fatigue and lethargy and improve circulation.
  • To keep trim by turning off fat.
  • To reduce tension and anxiety
  • To improve confidence because you look and feel healthier.
A few minutes throughout the day is good start. Try to build up the time you spend exercising to 15 minutes a day.

Early exercises should be done gracefully like a snow motion ballerina. We don't want to shock the system before it's fully awake. Begin by exercising for a few minutes on the first day and gradually extend the time in following weeks.

There are at least 5 hours of each working week that could be put to better use. Rather than munching your lunch away or burying your head in book, get motivated. Power- walking (brisk walking) is the latest craze. It can be practiced in a group or done solo. Power walking can burn at least 600 to 1200 kilojoules an hour. If you work in the city try brisk window- shopping, not window-stooping. Lunch time work outs, in the gym or aerobic classes, jogging, playing squash or tennis, swimming, skipping or running on the spot could fit into your mid day break. The idea is to keep moving not sitting. You will find that, apart from the health benefits, having some exercises at lunch time will make you feel more alert in the afternoon.

After a day of work, play and/or study you just want to hit the sack. But exercise can relax you.

Eat Your Way To Beauty

Eat Your Way To Beauty
Touch your skin. Does it feel greasy, dry or even rough? Its texture reveals many facts about your diet. Your health, skin, nails and body are results of the food you consume. A balanced diet- one where you avoid processed foods, refined sugars, and concentrate on fruits, vegetables, cereals, meats and dairy products- is the key to good nutrition and beauty. A balanced diet supplies all vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates needed for good health. Let's face it- when you feel good, you look good. You become what you eat.

Your daily diet should consists of:
  • 4 serves of vegetables and fruits,
  • 3/4 serve of cereal, bread and grain,
  • 2 serves of milk and dairy products,
  • 2 serves of meat, fish, poultry, or eggs.
Vitamins play a vital role in all over beauty. Below is a list of all vitamins, there food source and their beauty advantages

Vitamin A:
Food Source: dairy products, citrus fruits, green vegetables and carrots.
Advantage: helps prevent skin dryness, aids healing of burns and improves acne.

Vitamin B,B1, B2, B6, B12:
Food Source: whole grains, leafy vegetables. liver and yeast.
Advantage: improves nervous system, skin, heart and liver.

Vitamin C:
Food Source: fruits(especially citrus fruit) green vegetables, tomatoes and fresh milk.
Advantage: helps immunity to colds, helps assimilation of other vitamins and improve acne.

Vitamin E:
Food Source: green leafy vegetables, wheat germ.
Advantage: helps heal cuts and wounds.

Vitamin F & K:
Food Source: liver , tomatoes, green leafy vegetables.
Advantage: aids the treatment of skin disorders, eg. dermatitis.

Vitamin H:
Food Source: brewer's yeast, nuts beef liver.
Advantage: improves tissue repair and skin condition.

Vitamin F:
Food Source: Citrus fruits usually with vitamin C.
Advantage: helps strengthen capillaries by keeping capillary walls flexible.

The Inside Story Of Skin Care

The Inside Story Of Skin Care
Good nutrition and regular elimination are essential for terrific skin. Fresh fruits and vegetables and lots of water provide what your skin needs to carry out its duties and to radiate good health. Through proper nutrition your skin needs to carry out its duties ad to radiate good health. Through proper nutrition your skin is offered an abundance of good things: vitamins, minerals, protein, fatty acids and trace elements. The natural fiber in a fresh food diet allows the efficient elimination of wastes that keeps your skin healthy and beautiful. Water also helps in the removal of wastes from your body. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

All the good things you take in with your diet will serve your skin in some way. Vitamin A, for example, helps regulate the work of the sebaceous ducts to the surface where it mixes up with sweat to form an emulsion that protects the skin. The vitamin B complex keeps nerves healthy and controls excessive oiliness. Riboflavin, vitamin B2, has an important job in providing cellular oxygen. This is vital because it allows nutrients to be used up properly and cellular wastes to be eliminated. Vitamin C is necessary for the protection of the collagen fibers in the dermis and to give strength to capillaries that take nutrients to the skin. For super-radiant skin as well as for a healthy well functioning body, avoid refined foods and stick to delicious fresh variety of fruits, green vegetables and other nutritious items.

Special Advice For All Hair Types

Special Advice For All Hair Types

Behind every head of hair there is always a sensible hair care program- a routine that take into account basic hair characteristics and uses hair care products developed specifically for their hair type. Discover your hair type and look at the special advice for helpful tips and occasional treats.

  • Appears strong and healthy.
  • Has good body.
  • Stays looking freshly washed longer than other hair types.
Special Advice:

This hair can be damaged by being taken for granted. It has a great natural elasticity but still requires conditioning at every shampoo.

  • Prone to damage.
  • Loses shape and bounce.
  • Simply lacks lustre.
Special Advice:

Like dry skin this hair type requires constant nourishment. In addition to regular after shampooing and conditioning give a monthly deep conditioning treatment. After shampooing, apply moisturizing conditioner to the hair, massage in, comb through, wrap in hot damp towel and wait 20-30 minutes. Then rinse.

  • Actually feels oily.
  • Discourages your efforts by becoming lank and limp soon after shampooing.
Special Advice:

Have your hair cut in one of the latest short style and shampoo as often as you need for a fresh, contemporary look.

  • Drab and lifeless.
  • No body or bounce.
  • Splits and breaks easily.
  • Has probably been permed or bleached.
Special Advice

Maintain condition with manageability with conditioner. Treat your hair to a deep conditioning treatment as often as you feel it needs it.

  • Flyaway and unmanageable after shampooing.
  • Soft and fluffy.
  • Lacks body.
  • Hard to control
Special Advice:

Try to avoid over perming and tinting as this can seriously weaken fine hair. However your hair dresser may recommend a light body wave. Keep your hair trimmed so even edge gives an impression of volume.. Apply mousse for extra body and control.

  • Your hair can be a combination of types. i.e oily at the roots with dry brittle ends.
  • You probably have shoulder length or longer hair.
Special Advice:

Brush hair gently to distribute oils. Have the ends trimmed regularly to keep splits to minimum.

Your Place In The Sun

Your Place In The Sun

There's no doubt about it- nothing will make you look healthier and slimmer than glorious golden tan. And a sun tan is also a sure way to make your complexion look old long before its time. While tanned skin on your body looks great, a tanned complexion often takes on leathery, open-pored texture that is far from flattering. To keep these unwanted wrinkles at bay it's vital to use sunblock on your face. If you want your face to look tanned, you can get subtle glow by carefully applying foundation and blusher to create a flawless, healthy finish.

The best way to tan your body is with the help of sunscreen which will shield out the harmful burning rays while allowing your skin to tan at its own pace without burning. If you're still keen to tan your face, consider this fact: While your body spends a great part of the year covered with clothes, your face is exposed from the day you're born right through your life. Your skin fights a never ending battle with the environment but the last straw that breaks down its resilience is the sun- its most dangerous enemy.

Skin cancer is unfortunate side effect of too much sun. It doesn't appear suddenly but manifests itself over the years as the excessive sunlight damages and alters the normal functioning of the skin cell.

To play it safe, it's best' no matter what your skin type, to use a high protection sunscreen. Don't forget to protect your hair part line with a sunscreen or hat and remember, too, that your lips don't contain any melanin so need a lip protection stick or some lipstick to prevent them from drying and peeling.

Real Beauty

Real BeautyReal beauty is all over and all through, reaching far beyond classic features and elegant clothes. Real beauty comes from imagination, self discipline, common sense and proper pride.
Imagination inspires us to rise above everyday disappointment and live life fully; self discipline enables us to make most of our bodies and use them as well as possible; common sense ensures that we eat enjoyably and well but not stupidly; and proper pride means taking care of our face, skin, hair and nails- all outward features which reflects and express a state of mind.

Classic features are inherited. Elegant clothes can be bought. But real beauty is the reward of mental and physical effort. Here we suggest some ways in which you can work through achieving it.

  • Your facial skin is the most delicate on your body. Buy small jars or bottles of cosmetics, keep them tightly capped and away from heat and light, and use them up quickly, so they don't become colonies for harmful bacteria. In this way too, you'll find yourself constantly acquiring the latest colors and shades of makeup and avoiding that stale look.
  • Always carefully wash your face and hands before putting up makeup and if possible, use a cosmetic brush. Cosmetic brushes give a softer, more finished look and are gentle on your skin. A good brush whether for eye shadow, blusher or powder, will feel good on your hand and against your skin before you buy. These brushes should be sift and fuzzy. For eyeliner, lip and cream shadow, you'll need stiffer brushes which will hold a point when wet.
  • Brow brushes are bristled nylon; be sure the tips are rounded so no damage is done to hairs. A medium bristle is fine for most brows.
  • Keep cosmetic brushes clean with mild shampoo or liquid soap one a week, rinse carefully, comb through and store upright.
  • Take care of your hair, eyes, ears and teeth too.
  • Keep hair clean, well cut and brushed. It is the frame for your face.
  • Visit the dentist. Get previous neglect repaired and learn how to use a toothbrush and dental floss properly. Super straight, movie-star teeth aren't necessary for beauty but super-clean teeth in healthy mouth is absolute must.
  • Keep ears clean. Don't be content with quick wiggle with the corner of a towel when you wash your hair.
  • Wear glasses or contact lenses if you need them. Women look most unattractive when they screw their faces up and peer. Rinse tired or irritated eyes in a solution of 1 teaspoon salt to 600ml of warm water.
  • Shade your face from sun. Sunlight ages it quickly and causes skin cancers. Wear a hat and use a good block out cream, especially on your nose.

Saving Face

Your face is the most noticed, most expressive part of you, so it should merit the most precious care- and yet it's often neglected. What other section of your body is relentlessly exposed to sunlight, subjected to applications of frequently germ-laden and unsuitable cosmetics, insufficiently cleansed and often accompanied by grubby hair, suspect teeth, bleary eyes and discontented expression?

It's an ugly picture, isn't it? Maybe it doesn't fit you but there are probably at least some face-care improvements you could make.

Start d-e-e-p cleansing. If you have acne, ask your pharmacist or doctor to recommend a medicated wash. Otherwise, use a deep cleansing cream over your face and neck and finish off by washing with gentle soap and warm water. The practice of merely tissuing away cleansing cream or lotion will remove make-up but leaves a residue of cream containing bacteria and has been implicated in causing acne.

Follow up once or twice a week with a face pack or facial scrub to remove dead skin cells. A fine moisturiser lotion or cream is must, especially as you grow older.
Use nourishing or massage cream and massage your face every day to exercise muscles and improve blood supply. Wash your face and hands thoroughly first, the spread the cream lighly on your face and use liberally on your fingers. You don't pull, push or stretch the skin but gently stroke and cushion it between your hands.

Here is the correct method for different areas of your face.
  • Cheeks. With second and third fingers smooth gently up laughter lines across cheek bones, then move easily on as far as temples.
  • Brow. With four fingers of your right hand, from centre of forehead, lift eyebrows upwards, following with the left hand up to the temple.
  • Temples. With second and third finger gently circle on temples, keeping eyes closed.
  • Eyes. With third fingers only and using the lightest touch, stroke outwards over brows; continue underneath eyes and over your eye lids
  • Neck. Using one hand after another, smooth backward under your chin. Then still using both hands as before, move down over the throat.
  • Chin. With palms of hands held downwards, hold your chin between first and second fingers. Slide you fingers briskly outward at jawline.
  • Cheeks. Using the middle two fingers of each hand, lift your cheeks with a series of brief upward strokes.
  • Stimulation. Rotate second and third fingers of each hand up , in, down and out around the chin, over the corner of mouth.

How Thin is Too Thin?

For those who areHow Thin is Too Thin? battling the problem of too much weight, the possibility of being too thin is probably difficult to imaging. But there are people who can never seem to gain weight, who see themselves as unattractively angular and fervently wish for curves to provide a well rounded appearance.

It is really true that you can never be too thin, provided- and this is an important qualification that you are healthy. A healthy body, even when it looks thin, is strong, well-toned, and resistant to disease. There are some cases, though, where thinness is associated with medical problems.

Psychological stress can lead to the misuse of food, as in the case of anorexics. Victims need to be retrained to eat so that they don't die of starvation that is self-imposed. Another eating disorder is bulimia nervosa, in which there is compulsive eating, then self-induced vomiting followed by a period of starvation. Both of these conditions require treatment aimed at uncovering the nature of underlying stress and correcting it.

Another possible cause for extreme thinness is an overactive thyroid with under active adrenal glands. The symptoms are in tolerance of the body for heat, increased sweating and a rapid heartbeat. With even the most enormous appetite weight is still lost because all food eaten is burnt up very quickly.

All these conditions come under heading of "unhealthy underweight" and require medical treatment.

A very thin person is defined as one who is 10 to 20 percent below the average weight for someone of her height. Although tables that list ideal ranges of weight for particular heights provide a target to aim for, they are guide only. The test of whether or not you have achieved the ideal weight for yourself lies in how you are feeling. Falling slightly above or below the recommended ranges is fine if you feel alive, healthy, strong and full of vitality.

Stress tends to have a lot to do with underweight. A body that is in a state of stress is not easily tempted by food and, in the process, there is physical reaction. For food to be digested effectively, blood need to be directed to the digestive organs- the liver, the stomach and the intestines. When the body is in stress the blood supply is directed, instead , into the muscles, ready for the "fight or flight" response. This means that digestive juices and the enzymes that are necessary for the proper processing of food are not freely available, so that good deal of food will pass through system without benefiting the body. To overcome this problem, you need to reduce the stress in your life and make conscious effort to approach the choice and preparation of food, as well as meal times, in a calm state of mind.

Eat slowly and quietly and chew thoroughly. Appreciate every bite you take and you'll find that you will be eating just the right amount for your body needs. Couple exercise with real enjoyment of your food and you'll find you are feeling terrific and that your body is posotively shapely.

The Secrets of Lovely Smile.

The Secrets of Lovely Smile.

All it takes is good dental hygiene and sensible diet to keep your smile looking terrific.

The Steps To Take

Check out your diet. Plaque formation is particularly encouraged by eating sweet, starchy foods and having sweet drinks, especially between meals. Damage to your teeth and gums begins just 20 minutes later. The general rule is that if it's good for your body, it's good for your teeth and gums. How often you eat is also relevant to dental health. All food wood will set up plaque formation to some extent, so constant nibbling is disastrous because it provides a non-supply of acids that promote decay. For between- meal snacks stick to those foods least harmful to teeth- fresh fruits, raw vegetables, nuts and cheese.

Apart from a diet rich in nutrients, foods which require good deal of chewing help to keep teeth and gums healthy. Chewing encourages the production of saliva, which is natural lubricant and cleaning agent, and also provides exercise for the teeth and the jaws muscle.

Take care to brush well.. Choose a brush that feels comfortable in your mouth. A short , straight handle makes it easy to control so that you van direct the head where you want it. The head should be quite small with short nylon bristles which are even in length rather than serrated. Use a medium brush and replace it every six weeks or so.

In brushing, use short gentle actions, moving over two or three teeth at time and using 10 short strokes for each sections- the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces and the chewing surfaces. Pay particular attention along the gum line and behind the back teeth. You don't have to brush more than twice a day. Dentists often see cases of over-zealous people who brush number of times a day, often with hard brushes and present with teeth that are very sore to touch. The teeths are literally brushed away for the sake of a clean mouth and fresh breath.

Disclosing tablets are effective in indicating areas on your teeth where plaque is building up. The plaque will be dyed a bright crimson which thorough brushing will clean away.
Floss regularly. No toothbrush can get at the plaque that builds up between the teeth. This is where dental floss does its job. Take a 15 cm length and wind it around the first two fingers of each hand. Now gently slide it down between two teeth, pressing against the side of second tooth. This will remove any debris between the teeth. Make sure that when the floss is between the the teeth don't rub it back and forth against the gum.

Protect with fluoride. Applying fluoride topically, by using fluoride toothpaste ia an extremely effective way of strengthening the enamel against acid attack. Your dentist will probably paint your teeth with fluoride, too, each time you have your dental check up.

Bleeding gums are common dental health problem. Often, the cause is careless brushing of teeth, although it may be because of gum infection. For a diagnosis, see your dentist. To prevent bleeding gums, brush your teeth regularly and correctly.

Persistent bad breath is another problem. It may be caused by infected gums, decayed teeth, smoking or alcohol, among other things. Check with your dentist that your teeth and gums are not at fault and make sure diet includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Stress is another possible cause of bad breath as it can upset gastrointestinal balance. So consider the amount of stress you are experiencing and try to reduce it.

Sun Essentials

Sunscreen Lotion is a foSun Essentialsremost product you should be using while going out in the sun because it creates a layer on your skin that will save you from harmful rays of sun and prevents it from getting sun burnt reducing the collagen generation thus making you sun safe and beautiful.

Sunglasses are a must to protect your eyes from the glare and to prevent you from squinting and frowning. They are absolutely essential when you are snow skiing because the intense intense reflection from the snow can harm your eyes.

Be sure that you can't see your eyes when looking at the glasses of mirror. If you can , they're not dark enough to provide adequate protection.

Polarizing lenses are probably the best if you're involved in any water sports, skiing or when driving a car to cut out the glare.

Hats provide additional protection and can act as an attractive summer accessory that protects face and hair.

Use warm summer days to introduce yourself to a healthier diet. Make the most of the fruits such as mangoes, paw paws, pineapples, honey dew melons and peaches and drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices as well as mineral; water in low sodium content.

Whenever you're outdoors drink lots of water to replace what you are rapidly losing. If you feel lethargic, have a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice rich in potassium, vitamin C and other vital nutrients.Before or at the end of summer you can help to even pout your skin tone with the help of facial scrub. These can work wonders on dry elbows or mottled shoulders. Despite its drawbacks, the infra-red rays of the sun often help relieve arthritic and rheumatic pains. So if you can use it to your advantage.

Why Puffiness Happens?

Under-eye problems are often an inherited trait and, though they are accentuated by age, they are present in certain people from the beginning. Twelve year old, high fashion models and all night party goers are equally to be plagued by unattractive pouches and circles.

There are other causes beside your genes, however. For many of these causes- even the inherited ones- there are cures and remedies. And, luckily there are tricks of make-up that can cove over or lessen the impacts of unexpected and unwanted puffs and sags.

Why Puffiness Happens?Experts agree that worrisome puffiness you notice in the morning is caused by a temporary accumulation of fluid in the tissues under the facial skin. Particularly around the eyes, your skin is thin and rather loosely attached. When you sleep , the distribution of fluid is uninterrupted- partly because you're horizontal and no longer have gravity working with you to drain blood from your head and partly because your circulation may be impaired by pressure of pillow or mattress. (If you tend to wake up with swollen pouches that disappear as the day progresses, one immediate remedy is to prop your head up with second pillow you sleep to help fluids accumulating in the eyes tissues to drain downward.)

There are other reasons that fluids accumulate: Too much sleep, not enough sleep, a kidney problem, lack of exercise, a sinus problem, an increase of hormones during pregnancy, stress, faulty elimination, pollution, allergies, crying spells- any of these may cause or be a contributing factor to puffy eyes.

You And Your Hairdresser

An expertly trained hairdresser is the vital link between how you want to look and how beautiful the everyday result is. You may already go to you hairdresser regularly- with an eye to keeping up-to-date with the latest fashions. Or you may like many women who are very apprehensive about going, yet expect miracles when you do go.
You And Your Hairdresser
First of all, remember you are an individual. Your hair cut must be geared to the way you live as well as to its texture, color and condition. Nobody wants to be slave to their hair- but some can afford to devote a little more time than others. Discuss all this, including you occupation with your hair dresser.

Don't be afraid to take along a picture of a style you have seen in a magazine or to look through the books in the salon. It may not be the final style but it helps your hairdresser understand what appeals to you.

When you walk out of the salon, you should feel happy with the style you have. But the test of a really good cut is how you can duplicate the look at home and how manageable it is over next 4 to 6 weeks.

To help your hairdresser here are a few tips:
  • When you see someone who has a hairstyle you like go up and ask her who cuts her hair. You'll never know if don't ask, and most of the women will be flattered by your asking.
  • Call the salon and arrange to drop in for few minutes for a consultation or make your first appointment for shampoo and blow-dry only. You want to get a feel for hairdresser and should have confidence in him or her before committing yourself to a cut. It gives you time to discuss things more thoroughly too.
  • Use the hairdresser's expertise to learn how to look after your hair at home. Even if you have never applied mousse or blow-dryer before, you'll wonder, after few practice sessions, how you ever lived without them.
  • Try to have little fun with your hair. When choosing a style choose one that can be changed every six months like fashion. Then you will always look beautiful and stay up-to-date.

Banish Cellulite Forever

Banish Cellulite Forever

Cellulite must be the world's most controversial beauty problem. Depending on which expert you ask, this unsightly dimpled fat just under the skin is caused by stress lack of exercise, not enough fluid, poor circulation, hormone imbalance, constipation, or incorrect diet. Some doctors say it is just plain fat, Others maintain it is a mixture of fat and toxins wrapped in water.

But everybody especially the sufferers, agrees cellulite is ugly and plague even the slimmest women.The good news is that it can be shifted- but you must be patient and strict. There are several methods of attack. They are:
  • Right eating. Eat only wholesome foods- wholegrain breads and cereals, fresh fruits, raw vegetables, plus lean meats to build and repair tissues. Drink 6 glasses of water per day. Don;t eat preserved foods and avoid salt because if you use salt while drinking lots of fluids your body will retain the fluid instead of losing it.
  • Avoid constipation.Exercise regularly and eat laxatives like bran, prunes, yogurt and figs.
  • Saunas ans steam baths. As cellulite is thought by many to be pockets of water trapped between layer of fat, sweating is one possible way of removing it. Have one glass of water before entering sauna and follow it with a cool shower or swim.
  • Deep breathing. Increasing your oxygen intake removes tension. Sit on the floor with your back erect, legs bent and crossed at the ankles. Inhale to a count of four and exhale to a count of 12.
  • Massage. Speeding up blood flow in the tissues helps carry wastes away. You can massage with a special mitt with rubber bristles, a massage appliance or a rough loofah.Anti-cellulite massage should be done everyday. If you find the skin veins developing discontinue massage and concentrate on exercise.
  • Water friction. A warm water shower massage with flexible shower head will improve your circulation in cellulite. Direct the jet of warm water across you hips and derriere, moving it back and forth, then spray up and down your legs. Spray inner thighs and calves last.
  • Exercise. Dancing, yoga, gym, classes,tennis,walking and swimming can all help. add special exercises for your thighs.

Tone Up Your Body

Tone Up Your Body

Toning Up is necessary for firmer fitter figure. which makes you look beautiful and attractive. Everybody has "problem areas" which need work. Let's start at the bottom and work our way up.


Bottom: Floorwalker:
Sit on the floor with the back straight and legs together. Inch your way along the ground with the cheeks of you bottom. Don't cheat with your hands or legs.

Bottom: Leg lift:
Lie face down on floors, hands under the chin. Lift leg up, keeping hip on the floor and body flat. Hold for count of five. Lift right leg. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Lie face down, body flat on the floor. Lift bith legs together and, at the same time, lift the head and shoulders.(You should look like upside down Sydney Harbour Bridge.)

Thighs: Knee Swing:
Lie face up on the floor with arms outstretched. Keep the back flat on the floor. From the hips, pull the knees up and swing from side to side. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Thighs: legs up:
Lie on your side with elbows supporting your head. Raise your top leg into the air. Hold for count of five. Lower. Repeat 5 to 10 times then roll over and repeat with the other leg.

Thighs: Deep knee bend:
Stand with your feet wide apart and hands on waist. Bend the knees and hold for count of five. Slowly straighten but flex-in (tighten the bottom). Hold for count of five. Repeat these bends 5 to 10 times.

Legs: Kicks:
Using a chair for support, kck the left leg forcefully in front, to side and behind. Repeat 5 to 10 times. Change legs and do 5 to 10 times.
Legs: Vigorous kicks:
Recline with elbows supporting your back in a shoulder stand. Stretch legs in the air and kick with alternate leg. Use all the leg muscles and kick vigorously. Repeat 10 to 20 times.


Waist: Waist bends:
Stand with your feet apart and hands on the waist. Bend from the waist down the left side as far as possible. Straighten. Bend from the waist forward. Straighten. Bend from the waist to the right side as far as you can. Straighten. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Waist: Full circle swing:
Standing straight, link hand. Stretching from the waist, swing your arms in clockwise motion and reverse. Stretch and really feel the muscles working. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Stomach: Crawl kicks:
Kneel on the floor. Put your left leg to your chin. Now slowly kick the same leg under the body out in the line with your back. Hold for count of five and relax. Change to right leg. Repeat with both legs 5 to 10 times.

Stomach: Sit ups:
An old favorite still effective! Lie face up on the floor. Slowly sit up with arms outstretched. Slowly recline without the aid of your hands. Repeat five to 10 times.

Bust: Palm press:
Press you hands together in the praying position. Press your hands together in a praying position. Press firmly for the count of 10. Feel the muscles under the sides of the bust tense. Repeat 10 to 30 times.

Bust: Indian flex:
Interlock arms in front of your chest. Flex the muscles in the hands and wrists. You should fell and see and feel your bust tensing and rising. Repeat 10 to 30 times.

Eating Beautifully

Be positive, not negative, about food. Eating properly depends on making the right food choices. An adult woman's diet should be around 70 percent natural complex carbohydrates, not more than 25 per cent proteins and low in fats, plus plenty of fluids, including fruit juices and water.

Natural complex carbohydrates include whole grains, root vegetables, beans and nuts. They are rich in vitamins and minerals full of natural fibres as are green leafy vegetables and fruits. A high natural fibre diet aids food absorption and prevents constipation, and complex carbohydrates break down more slowly than the refined variety(found in white bread, white rice and sweets), so energy is released Eating Beautifullygradually, as the body needs it.

Protein foods such as meat, eggs and fish are necessary but a diet is too high in protein overloads your system, forcing water from your body to help rid it of debris. Fats contain some vitamins and nutrients but are high in kilojoules.

It is better if you follow this simple diet guide:

Breakfast: Wholegrain porridge, milk and yogurt or cottage cheese with some fresh fruit(nutritionally, whole fruit is better than juice). Instead of fried eggs and bacon, eat poached eggs.

Lunch: A variety of salad vegetables, at least five different kinds. Dress with herbs, garlic, onions, olive oil and lemon juice or natural apple cider vinegar rather than mayonnaise. Try fish, chicken or nuts, with wholegrain bread.

Dinner:Casseroles are excellent. Brown rice or mixed beans and vegetables with a little chicken, lean meat or cheese. Flavor with onions, green pepper or herbs.

To help your positive diet along you should:
  • Reduce your salt intake. Most people salt the food, then taste the salt, not the food. Get used to the taste of food without salt; it will be just as satisfying. There is enough salt naturally in most foods without adding to it. Excess salt has been implicated in kidney and arterial disease, and inability to cope with stress.
  • Substitute chicken, veal and fish for beef' lamb and pork because they contain less fat,
  • Eat well on so called dieter's enemies(bread , potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals) by leaving out usual accompaniments- butter, peanut butter, oil, cream and cheese which are real foes.
  • Get into the habit of using less fat by place two teaspoons of the fat of your choice(butter or polyunsaturated margarine) on a plate at breakfast and making them last the day. If you want butter on your potato at night, don't have it on your lunchtime sandwich.

Collagen Collapse

Collagen Collapse

Collagen collapse is a prelude to wrinkles. We can't stop it happening but we can slow it down and retard its effects. Collagen shrinks with age and weakens, losing its elasticity and resilience. "Cross-linkage" takes place as collagen fibres intertwine, forming a hard mass instead of a series of malleable strands. As elasticity goes, so does that youthful complexion.

To counteract collagen collapse

  • Protect your face(and rest of you) from destructive ultra violet sun waves. They viciously attack collagen. Besides wrinkles, a sun-abused face can be left feeling like leather, with skin cancers and dehydration other unhealthy consequences.
  • Adequate sun protection means wearing sunscreen, a shady hat and never exposing your face directly to the sun. For extra protection, wear a foundation that contains a sunscreen. You may like the so-called healthy look of tan but remember that cross-linking is most accelerated by UV rays.
  • Alcohol, cigarettes and coffee also spur on the process of cross-linking, as well as depleting body of vitamin C, which produces collagen. So cut back on these skin hazards and step up your intake of citrus fruits, salads and coffee substitutes.
  • Low concentrations of topical Vitamin A - retonic acid- applied daily are also said to speed up collagen formation.
  • Consider having a course of collagen implant replacement injections. Injected collagen can't make lines disappear but it perceptibly softens and blurs them. It's a relatively simple, safe, non-surgical and painless procedure and results are almost immediate.

    Using an ultra-fine needle, a specially trained, a qualified doctor injects a tiny amount of highly purified collagen into the top layer of skin. A small amount of anaesthetic is included in each shot to minimize discomfort. The treatment is most effective on frown lines on the forehead and between the eyebrows, the creases from the nose to the corner of the mouth, crows feet, lines around the mouth and neck creases.

Keep Blemishes At Bay

Even the most beautiful skin will occasionally erupt and it often happens at a time when we had been hoping to look our best for special occasion. No matter how stunning the out fit or how well cut the hair, a blemish can spoil an evening out.
Keep Blemishes At Bay
When a blemish appears as a red spot, it's best not to pick at it because, quite apart from any damage this may cause to the skin, the redness will spread and look worse. Most brands of cosmetics carry a type of cover make-up that can be dabbed over the spot to hide the redness. However, make sure that you clean the area carefully twice each day with a cleanser suited to your skin just as you clean rest of your face.

If the blemish is a blackhead or two, you can try removing it very gently. The same applies to pimples that has formed a head.

To keep skin clear of blemishes choose a cleanser which deeply cleans your skin effectively.Give your skin a regular steam bath. Once each week hold your head over some gently boiling water for 10 minutes or so. This procedure unclogs pores and helps flush out impurities.

Inquire from a beauty therapist about any products which will remove the dead cells that cling to the surface of the skin. Ask, too, about the face masks for you particular skin type. In case of oily or open-pored a mask will absorb oils and extra impurities.

If you have quite a lot of trouble with pimples make sure you change you pillowcase often because pimples are infectious. Don't believe that by drying out the area - for example, by using harsh cleansers or abrasives - you will be treating any blemishes successfully. In fact, you will be damaging the top layer of your skin by drawing moisture from the cells, causing the skin to dry out and flake.

Recurrent pimple or blackhead problems should always be referred to a beauty therapist, who can give you expert advice on treatment. Self-diagnosis and treatment can lead to real damage that can't be reversed.

Permanent Waving

Permanent WavingPerming is one thing that can actually alter the texture of your hair. A perm can make it bouncier, wavier, curlier. Today's perms are very different from the old-fashioned ones- so you can achieve a really easy-to-manage style and keep your hair in good condition.

Modern permanent waves - cold waves- are based on presses which alter the structure of the keratin inside the hair shaft. The cortex of the hair is where the action of perming takes palce. It is made up of tiny cells packed closely together. They are formed of ''micro fibrils' which are intertwined together by sulphur bonds, all important to the process of perming.

There are two basic stages in perming. The first loosens the sulphur bonds, which form the internal links in the structure. The second joins them together again in a predetermined shape of a wave or curl.

After the hair is shampooed, the perm lotion is applied. This opens the cuticle of hair slightly and some of the sulphur bonds are detached. Hair is then put into a different shape by being wound onto a perm curler. More lotion is applied to the hair and then it's left for the "development" time. During this process, a certain proportion of the sulphur bonds will part. Hydrogen molecules from perm solution "cap" some of the individual sulphur molecules, while rest of the re-align into their new shape. The perm is fully developed when approximately 25 to 30 percent of the bonds have parted.

It is here that accurate timing is vital and the state of the perm must be checked regularly because some hair types will develop more quickly than others. It is also here that the hairdresser's skill is essential for he or she has to recognize the exact amount of curl or movement has been achieved. If the perming solution is left on for insufficient amount of time, for instance the finished perm will be too loose and will drop quickly. If it's left for too long, the perm is "over-processed" and the hair may become fragile and frizzy.

When the perming solution has developed for the right amount of time, the hair is rinsed thoroughly with curlers still in place. The second, and equally important stage in the perming process, then takes place with the application of a neutralizer. What happens is that oxygen released from the neutralizing solution and each atom joins chemically with the two atoms of hydrogen. The action of neutralizer causes sulphur bonds to close together again, allowing the hair to keep the shape it's given by the curlers. The hair is finally rinsed very thoroughly and then it's ready to set, tonged into shape.

Cover Up Puffy Eyes

Cover Up Puffy Eyes

There are times when nothing you do will make the puffiness disappear. For these circumstances you need to develop some make-up skills. Use a covering cream or stick or gel that decreases depressions by attracting light. Apply a darker shade of foundation on the puffy spot, then highlight the circle underneath, to create an overall illusion of flatness.

Be aware of using too much white highlighter, unless you want to play up panda bear look. And avoid putting any light shade on the puffy area itself, because that will only accentuate it. Confine the light shade to any dark hollows, if you have them, and then puff. Or use off-white shadow from the crease of the eyelids to the brows. Use lots of mascara, but only on upper lashes.

If you have the time and are feeling particularly daring, you might try the following trick used by models to tighten up saggy under-eye tissue. Rub a very thin coating of unbeaten egg white into the area with finger tip. Apply make-up foundation very carefully over it. Pat the make-up instead of rubbing it in. The lined area directly under the eyes is smoothed for a few hours by the drying effect of the egg white.

The secret of this procedure is in the thinness of the egg white application. After removing egg white Be sure to use an oil or lanolin cream, to counteract drying effect of the egg white.

Don't ever lose sleep over puffy eyes. Like many temporary problems, they'll only become worse if you do.

Styling Mousse

Do you often have trouble re-creating the style your hairdresser gave you or does your hair need extra fullness and hold without lost of its shine and softness? Then welcome a magical hair care product, mousse. Here is a guide to using it.

Mousse is a hair care product that helps you style your hair while giving extra fullness, lift and hold. Unlike many other styling aids, it leaves your hair with natural softness and shine. It is easy to use. Available in a slim aerosol can, it is simply foamed into the palm of your hand without any mess or fuss, then spread through your after normal shampooing and conditioning. Because it is concentrated 1 can of mousse can be used in many application.

To make an effective use of it begin by shampooing conditioning your hair as usual. It is important to note that mousse doesn't replace your normal conditioning treatment but adds to the overall result of a better, lasting style and good hair grooming. Please note that it can be used also on dry hair.

Always shake the can well before squeezing the nozzle. Then hold the can with the spout pointing downward into your palm as you squeeze out the required amount. Only a small amount mousse is generally needed, depending on a length of your hair.

Work the mousse through your hair, first with your hands. If your hair is of average length you don't need much. Start by applying an amount the size of an egg, adding more if your hair is longer and if your hair needs lift. To add extra style of your choice you can use hair rolls or hairdryer. You can comb thoroughly with brush to gain the sleek look.

Salon Techniques You Can Use At Home

Here are some hair-dresser's technique which you can learn to use at home to create and maintain styles:
Finger-combing works best on short wiry or curly hair and gives volume and shape.
Apply styling mousse all over, then use your fingers as you use a hairbrush, running your fingers through your hair in the direction you hairstyle should move.Use a brush to finish off the style when sleeker look is required.
You can use a blow-dryer or dry naturally.
ScrunchingSalon Techniques You Can Use At Home
Scrunching works on short or medium length hair which is slightly layered. It gives that tousled and soft look
To scrunch your hair whilst drying it encourages lift at the roots. Grab your hair at the scalp in a fist, slightly open your fingers and blow warm air into the hair. Use styling mousse for a longer-lasting "scrunched" look.
"Splowing" is the unusual combination of using hairspray at the same time as blow-drying.Yes! If you like a really firm hold- perhaps the hair at your temples needs to be lifted up and outas you blow the hair out.
A super technique for rippling long hair. You can get this crimped effect easily with either man-sized tissues or pieces of cloth.
Have you hair slightly damp(after shampooing is good). Divide off large sections. Hold each one at the end and twist it along its length. Now, wind the twisted section around a soft tube, made from a tissue.
Secure the roll up by typing the ends of tissue together. Dry your hair naturally if possible- but blow-drying will work if you are in a hurry.

Get A Long Lasting Tan

Get A Long Lasting Tan

For a long lasting tan if possible, slowly introduce your skin to the sun, starting with 15 minutes exposure and gradually building it up each day. As this isn't always possible if you're going to, say, Bali for a week in middle of winter, the only thing you can do is to diligently apply a maximum protection cream regularly throughout the day.

If you try to rush your tan all you'll do is dry and peel your skin. The best time to tan is before 10 am and after 2 pm or before 11 am and after 3 pm daylight saving time. In the middle of the day the sun's rays are more direct and intense so you'll be more prone to sunburn and dehydrate your skin. Above all know your limitations. Don't expect your skin to tan the same color as your friend who has darker complexion, because it won't.

No matter what your skin type, be diligent with your after-sun care as well. Apply a moisturiser from top to toe after you bath or shower. Adding some oil to your bath water will also help. If you do get burnt take advantage of soothing cream. Moisturisers containing Vitamin E, primrose oil or jojoba will help soothe and repair sun-damaged skin.

In the process of tanning your skin there are some Sun Bathing Myths you need to make clear.

You're safe in shade. The truth is you are only semi-protected. Sunlight bounces off sand, concrete, water or light surfaces reflecting up to half of rays.
If you're already burnt a t-shirt will provide good protection. While a dry T-shirt will provide adequate protection, one that's wet will absorb some of the UV rays and further damage your skin. Repeated sunburn will toughen your skin. Wrong! If you have a very fair skin that burns repeatedly and doesn't tan then you are one of the many people who will never develop a tan. Try an indoor fake-tanning cream instead. Apply carefully and evenly, avoiding those thick skinned areas such as knees, elbows and knuckles. Alternatively, you could cultivate your creamy complexion and remind yourself how much younger you will look in a few years compared with your sun worshipping friends

Remove Blackheads And Pimples

Remove Blackheads And Pimples

Removing Blackheads

First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then soften the black heads and open up the pores by either of two methods. One way is to hold your head over a bowl of steaming water for a few minutes. Another is to apply hot compresses to the affected area. Dip face washers into water that is as hot as your hands can bear and then wring the washers out. Place them onto blackheads and leave them until the washers have cooled down.

Make sure you are working in good light so that you can see exactly what you are doing. Now wrap your fingers in tissues, and with your forefingers and not your nails, gently squeeze on either side of blackhead. If the plug has sufficiently been softened it should come out. If the blackhead won't come out easily, leave it for another time because the more you squeeze, the more irritated your skin becomes and you will cause more problems.

Once you have finished squeezing, wipe over the area with a cotton ball dabbed with astringent or with few drops of fresh lemon juice.

Treating Pimples

If bacteria mixes with the trapped sebum, the pressure builds up so that the wall of the follicle bursts and the surrounding area becomes irritated and inflamed. The result is pimple.

The small white area that forms on top is due to the action of the body's white blood cells which march in to inflammation. Only try removing a pimple this white head, which is pus, appears because it indicates that the infection is still in the lower layer of skin and squeezing will spread the infection.

To remove a pimple that has formed a head, follow the same method as that for removing black heads, remembering to keep your hands scrupulously clean and to use fresh tissues for each blemish so as to avoid spreading infection to other parts of the face

Layers Of Skin

Although skin is usually regarded as just an outer covering, it actually lives and breathes and is largest organ of the body. It weighs in around three kilograms and covers an area of about five square metres. How it looks depends very much on everyday care. Expensive treatments are wasted on it if day to day care is neglected.

Your skin is made up of three main layers. The top one is the epidermis and this is the part of the skin you can see. Under this layer is the dermis, which is also known as the "true skin" because it is the only layer that consists of living tissue. The bottom layer of the skin is the subdermis, which consists largely of fatty tissue.

The epidermis
This layer, itself, is made up of five quite distinct layers. New cells are produced continually in its lowest layers and they push their way to the top. Once there they die and shrivel up into flat shells which serve to protect the layers of skin underneath. They , in turn, continue to be replaced by new cells coming up.

Skin has a smooth, silky look when the dead cells at top lie flat. If they curl at the edges the skin takes on a dry, scaly llok. The skin care products we use tend to be aimed at treating the epidermis only. Moisturizers help to keep this top layer from drying out. Exfoliators are used to clear away dead cells and to encourage fresh cells to the top. Sunscreens are applied to protect all layers of the skin from damage that ultra-violet rays can cause.

The dermis

Nerves, blood vessels and the roots of sweat and sebaceous glands run through the dermis. Also present is the network of connective tissues which consist of protein known as collagen and little elastin. It is this connective tissue that provides firmness in the skin. When its fibres starts to break down in some way, wrinkles and general sagging of the skin begin.

Although the most attention is given to the epidermis, with all manner of treatments applied to the outside skin, it is actually in the dermis that the beauty and health of your skin is determined. Good nutrition and exercise are more important than outside applications.

The subdermis
What we find here is fatty tissue which insulates the body and provides padding. This layer also serves to anchor the skin to the underlying muscles.

Hair Pack To Gain Silky Hair

Harmful rays of sun, dust and sweat destroy the qualityHair Pack To Gain Silky Hair of your hair. When different problems occurs on your face it is solved by using various methods to cure them and same thing can be done with hair. For this applying hair pack plays an important role to make your hair look healthy and lively.


Shortage of natural oil leads towards dry hair. Split ends and breakage is major problem with dry hair and it can be taken care by using hairpack according to its requirement.

Cleanliness of dry hair:

Create a creamy mixture of milk and egg. Apply this mixture all over your hair and leave it on for 5 minutes. Then rinse it off with water. This makes your hair look shiny. Use this pack twice a week.

Nutrition of Dry Hair:

For this mix coconut oil and lavender oil in equal proportion. Heat this for few minutes and after it cools down apply it all over your hair especially on the roots. Wrap up ypur hair with a towel which has been soaked in warm water. After this shampoo and apply the conditioner that is suitable for dry hair. It will make your hair stronger and thicker. Do this thrice a week.


Exactly being the viceversa of dry hair it is caused due to excessive production of natural oil in hair. Oily hair absorbs dirts easily leaving dandruff on your hair. So this type of hair needs extra care.

Cleanliness of oily hair;

Combine egg and water to make a mixture. 1 tablespoon water is appropriate for 1 egg. Then wet your hair and apply this all over your hair. After massaging leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse it off with water. This will control hair fall and make your scalp dandruff free.

Nutrition for oily hair:

  • Massage your hair with almond oil one night before taking bath.

  • Massage your hair with mixture of luke warm coconut oil and lemon before 1 hour of taking bath.
    This will make your hair soft and control oil in your hair without making it dry.

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