Eliminate Dark Circles

Dark CircEliminate Dark Circlesles are formed around your eyes due to various reasons. Some people have these by birth which only remedy is plastic surgery or laser treatment but for others it is a reflection of unhealthy life style. When you have hectic schedule and you are too stressed with lack of proper hour of sleep you will suffer from this.

There are some remedies you can follow to get rid of these dark circles without the help of make up or dermatologist.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This will provide you with proper rest and relax your body.
  • Follow healthy diet. Eat green vegetable, milk, fruits because they contain nutrition.
  • Drink lots of water. 2 liters water per day is must in order to be healthy and it is very good for your skin as well.
  • Sugar is one of the main cause of dark circle. Reduce sugar from your diet. Sugar free diet will certainly help you.
  • Avoid oily foods, cheese and butter.
  • Exercise. It helps you to stay active and circulate blood all around your body.
  • Consume foods with fibers.
  • You may have heard that cucumber helps in reducing dark circles. And yes it works. Cut cucumber in slice and put it on your closed eyes for like 15 minutes. Or you can apply its juice using cotton ball around your eyes.
  • Like cucumber even potato has a bleaching agent. So you can soak cotton pad with its juice and put it on your eyes for 20 minutes.
  • Dark circles are generated from excessive melanin production as well so use sunscreen lotion before stepping out in sun.

    If you follow above mentioned tips your dark circles can be eliminated.


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