Be Pimple Free

Be Pimple Free 1When you go to bed before sleeping you hope that your tomorrow is better than any other day but when you wake up next day with a pimple on your face your whole day gets ruined. Who wants that small devil to shine on our face? Don't you worry. There are some ways which can assist you in removing those pimples and make you blemish free.
  • Drink adequate amount of water. You may be hearing it numbers of time but this is very effective.
  • Establish a cleansing habit. Keep your face free from dirt. Apply cleansing milk, Use face wash, scrub, any thing to make your face clean and clear but just make sure those products you use are oil-free.and keep in mind not to over scrub. Treat your skin like baby's.
  • After cleansing always moisturize. When you cleanse it might even remove the required moistness from your skin so moisturize using oil-free lotion.
  • Never squeeze your pimples. There are germs on your fingertips and nails which can worsen at thing.
  • Wrong set of make up can also increase pimple. So use as less make up as possible. Makeup is responsible to clog pores and won't let the skin breathe. Remove make up before going to bed.
  • Use clean pillow case so that your face doesn't come in contact with any germs left out from your face.
  • Eat healthy diet and don't eat oily foods. Oil acts as an agent to increase pimple.
  • Get adequate sleep. Give your body enough rest and be stress-free. Stress is also a source of pimple.
  • Neem is Ayurvedic remedy for pimple. Grind neem with water and apply its paste on affected areas. It may cure them.
  • Zinc is also considered as a remedy to pimples. So eat zinc tablet everyday if possible.


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