Use Mineral Makeup

Use Mineral Makeup 1

Makeup is something we all girls use to look beautiful and presentable. But not all makeup stay whole day long. In the morning you look so fresh and radiant and by the time you rich home you look weary. What is the point of using such makeup then. Well there is a solution to this problem - Mineral Makeup. It is made up of minerals and the natural components such as zinc, iron, mica,etc. Organic colors are used to provide its make up with high range of shades. This type of make up best suits to the people suffering from various skin ailments. But it doesn't mean that other shouldn't use it. It is the best form of make up ever found because it barely causes side- effects.

Our skin need to breathe lots of oxygen and normal makeup clog the skin pores which is harmful for skin. But Mineral Makeup doesn't sell those pores instead it lets the skin breathe.It is not bacteria prone so our skin is safe. It is ultralight and can be used in all seasons. It rewards your skin with natural and even tone and lasts longer. This type of makeup stays in pUse Mineral Makeup 3lays and create a neat look. And it covers up all the flaws your skin possess making it radiant and smooth.

Mineral makeup is oil free so when you use it you wont feel that greasiness you feel while use other type of makeups. It makes your skin glow with enough protection from harmful rays of sun. They can even be used during hot sunny day and rainy autumn evening as it is water resistant.

With 100 % benefit it is worth wearing mineral makeup.

Be Pimple Free

Be Pimple Free 1When you go to bed before sleeping you hope that your tomorrow is better than any other day but when you wake up next day with a pimple on your face your whole day gets ruined. Who wants that small devil to shine on our face? Don't you worry. There are some ways which can assist you in removing those pimples and make you blemish free.
  • Drink adequate amount of water. You may be hearing it numbers of time but this is very effective.
  • Establish a cleansing habit. Keep your face free from dirt. Apply cleansing milk, Use face wash, scrub, any thing to make your face clean and clear but just make sure those products you use are oil-free.and keep in mind not to over scrub. Treat your skin like baby's.
  • After cleansing always moisturize. When you cleanse it might even remove the required moistness from your skin so moisturize using oil-free lotion.
  • Never squeeze your pimples. There are germs on your fingertips and nails which can worsen at thing.
  • Wrong set of make up can also increase pimple. So use as less make up as possible. Makeup is responsible to clog pores and won't let the skin breathe. Remove make up before going to bed.
  • Use clean pillow case so that your face doesn't come in contact with any germs left out from your face.
  • Eat healthy diet and don't eat oily foods. Oil acts as an agent to increase pimple.
  • Get adequate sleep. Give your body enough rest and be stress-free. Stress is also a source of pimple.
  • Neem is Ayurvedic remedy for pimple. Grind neem with water and apply its paste on affected areas. It may cure them.
  • Zinc is also considered as a remedy to pimples. So eat zinc tablet everyday if possible.

Eliminate Dark Circles

Dark CircEliminate Dark Circlesles are formed around your eyes due to various reasons. Some people have these by birth which only remedy is plastic surgery or laser treatment but for others it is a reflection of unhealthy life style. When you have hectic schedule and you are too stressed with lack of proper hour of sleep you will suffer from this.

There are some remedies you can follow to get rid of these dark circles without the help of make up or dermatologist.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This will provide you with proper rest and relax your body.
  • Follow healthy diet. Eat green vegetable, milk, fruits because they contain nutrition.
  • Drink lots of water. 2 liters water per day is must in order to be healthy and it is very good for your skin as well.
  • Sugar is one of the main cause of dark circle. Reduce sugar from your diet. Sugar free diet will certainly help you.
  • Avoid oily foods, cheese and butter.
  • Exercise. It helps you to stay active and circulate blood all around your body.
  • Consume foods with fibers.
  • You may have heard that cucumber helps in reducing dark circles. And yes it works. Cut cucumber in slice and put it on your closed eyes for like 15 minutes. Or you can apply its juice using cotton ball around your eyes.
  • Like cucumber even potato has a bleaching agent. So you can soak cotton pad with its juice and put it on your eyes for 20 minutes.
  • Dark circles are generated from excessive melanin production as well so use sunscreen lotion before stepping out in sun.

    If you follow above mentioned tips your dark circles can be eliminated.

Get Rid Of Brown Spot

Get Rid Of Brown Spot

Brown spot is cause due to high melanin production in your body and high exposure in sun. The parts of your body that are not covered are likely to suffer from brown spots. It mostly appears in skin of older people however in some cases even the younger one suffers. It spoils your complexion and the sooner you get rid of it the better your skin will be.

Here are some useful tips which can help you to get rid of this black spots permanently.

a) Use sunscreen lotion before going out in sun as it is the main cause. Take your sunscreen lotion everywhere you go so that you can reapply it whenever possible.You can even wear hat so that sun doesn't harm your face.
b) Cleanse your face before going to sleep. Whole day when you are out your skin comes in contact with various dirts and germs. So cleansing purifies your skin. Removing make up is also very essential. Never sleep with your make up on.
c) Healthy Diet also helps in reducing brown spot. Eat food with antioxidants such as citrus fruits. Eating chocolate is also helpful in this case.
d) Vitamin A and E helps in treating brown spot. So use cosmetics that contains these vitamins. You can apply vitamin E oil directly in your face. If you feels its too greasy you can use it before going to sleep.

There are some home remedies that will make brown spots disappear.
a)Lemon contains citric acid which is very good for skin. So dab a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it on your brown spots. It is proven method to diminish those brown spots .
b) Castor oil is also very useful in reducing brown spots. It will even out your skin tone.
c)Lactic Acid that is present in milk also helps. Buttermilk contains lots of lactic acid. Even sour milk can be used.
d) Aloe Vera has healing properties and considered best for skin. Therefore, you can even use those creams with Aloe Vera.

If none of the above tips work you can see dermatologists. They can tell you what is best for your skin.

Get a Picture Perfect Look In Winter

Get a Picture Perfect Look In Winter

As winter season come by our skin turns dull and lose moisture. As a result we get dry skin, wrinkle, chapped lips and it may become scaly too. Applying make up in this season without using proper care can create a gross look. This isn't what we want our skin to be right? So before applying makeup in winter there are somethings you really need to get that smooth finish and look picture perfect.

To avoid above mentioned skin ailments, the best thing to do would be exfoliating and moisturizing. Exfoliating removes dead cells and flakes on your skin.After this moisturize. Yes, Moisturize a lot. What it will do is, it will make your skin soft and subtle so that even when you use makeup it will get a perfect finish without any flaws.

While choosing a makeup products such as foundation, lip gloss, sunscreen lotion etc get one with moisturizer.Or you can even mix moisturizing lotion with your foundation. While choosing the right foundation ensure that it is one tone darker than that of your skin. Try not to use powder foundation during winter. And never ever forget that sunscreen lotion is equally important. You mustn't avoid using it just because it is winter. Sun never stop rising during winter. Does it?

For lips you can use petroleum jelly. Within few minutes of applying it you can see how miraculously it cures your chapped lips and make it look pretty. Always choose a correct shade for your lips.

If you have to play with lots of water during this season always use rubber gloves and apply a dollop of glycerin in you hands before you go to bed. When you wake up next morning you will see that your hands are very soft like a baby's.

Hair is also an important factor that determines how you look. So you cannot neglect it that too in winter because in this period your hair falls a lot and dandruff will bug you reducing the shine of your hair if not properly taken care of. Therefore, at least once in a week serve your hair with oil treatment(coconut oil would be best). It will make your hairy shiny, strong, dandruff free and easily manageable.

So this winter get the best of your looks and enjoy being gorgeous. Happy Winter.

Take Care Of Your Skin

Take Care Of Your Skin
Looking good, this is what most people want these days and order to get that stunning look you must have a beautiful skin. It not only makes you look gorgeous it also make you stand out in a crowd. So to get that beautiful skin you need to follow some routines and diets that will surely support you . Here I am presenting you some useful tips as to how you can enhance the look and quality of your skin.

  • The most important thing you first need to know is that our skin resembles the diet we consume. So it is very essential to eat healthy foods which contains lots of Vitamins and Proteins such as fruits and green vegetables.

  • Water, It's very essential not only to get a good skin but also to stay healthy. You must drink 2 liters of water every day. If you drink a glass of luke warm water as soon as you wake up you fell fresh whole day and it even helps to improve your digestive system. Of course staying healthy reflects in your skin.

  • Another point you must remember is that you should never apply soap in your skin. Soap makes your skin dry and rough. It even steals moisture from your skin.Instead use face-wash which suits your skin type. And don't go for a cheap one. Just use the quality products. There are plenty of those available in market. It won't be at all hard for you to grab one.

  • Always use sunscreen lotion while exposing yourself in sun. Some people avoid sunscreen during winters but it's very harmful to go out in sunlight without using one. While using it dun forget to apply plenty on your face and all the exposed parts of your body.

  • Vitamin E makes your skin very soft and healthy so if possible use make up products that contains vitamin E or you can get its oil and add it with cream you use.

  • STOP SMOKING. Cigarette contains nicotine and other harmful contents that will damage your skin.
So Follow these tips and get a beautiful and glowing skin. And feel beautiful forever :)

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